
Oxidative Stress Part 1: Exploring the Best Antioxidant Supplements

Supercharge Your Heart Health with Antioxidant Benefits – Top 4 Supplements Revealed!

Welcome to Part I of our 3-Part Oxidative Stress Series, where our boutique pharmacy experts delve into oxidative stress as a main driver for disease and inflammation. We will cover the role oxidative stress plays in a range of degenerative and inflammatory conditions and the game-changing role antioxidants play in supporting the body against these conditions.

To understand oxidative stress, we must discuss its definition and how the body has a defence mechanism specially designed to protect against its harmful effects.

What is Oxidative Stress

Oxidative stress starts with oxygen. When we think of oxygen, we normally just consider the bright side. That breath of fresh air we deeply inhale into our lungs is carried via the blood all around the body and used in an intricate series of reactions in every cell to produce energy.

We hardly consider the dark side, and there is one - the damage oxygen, or more accurately, oxidation, can cause. Most of us have never even heard of this part. How serious is this damage?

Oxidative stress is the underlying cause of almost all chronic degenerative diseases! Have you ever looked at a photo with 2 individuals 50-60 years apart in age, like a multi-generation family portrait? Ever paid attention to the difference in texture and appearance of skin between someone in their teens and someone in their 70s or 80s? This difference is due to oxidative stress damage. The same exact thing occurs on the inside of our bodies.

Think of it this way. Oxidative stress is an imbalance between the production of free radicals (harmful products of oxidation) and the body’s antioxidant defence system. Yes, our body has a system using antioxidants to balance out the damage.

When free radicals are generated and are not balanced out (or mopped up, if you will) by antioxidants, you get damage to cellular components like DNA and proteins. As mentioned, this is the underlying cause and the potential start of so many chronic conditions.

In Part I of this series, we will explore antioxidant benefits for heart health and how they can support those with a history of heart disease. Below, we share the best antioxidant supplements to boost your antioxidant levels.

Heart health

Oxidative Stress & Imflammation

Every day, we all hear reminders and horror stories of the seriousness and finality of heart disease. We all probably know relatively healthy people who passed away suddenly from a heart attack with no warning – a silent killer.

As you may have read or heard, cholesterol is one of the original culprits. How many of us have been told by our doctor that one key to preventing heart disease is keeping bad cholesterol levels low? I was shocked when my research into antioxidants told a different story.

The real villain was oxidative stress. There seemed to be a strong correlation between the inflammation of the blood vessels brought about by oxidative stress and all underlying causes of heart disease, including heart attacks, strokes, peripheral vascular disease, and aneurysms.

I should point out that the research explained in this blog article is based on Dr. Ray D. Strand’s (M.D.) research and writing on oxidative stress. Dr. Strand is a medical doctor, researcher, and author based in the USA with a subspecialty in oxidative stress, the role it plays as an underlying major driver in many degenerative and chronic diseases, and how to combat it best using preventative, powerful antioxidant supplementations.

His findings, amongst other medical researchers and doctors, are revolutionary in the treatment and prevention of heart disease. He claimed that part of this issue is the oxidative stress, the inflammation it causes, and how it can turn cholesterol bad.

Rather than relying on cholesterol-lowering medications alone, he incorporated a healthy lifestyle, balanced diet, and taking strong, high-quality antioxidant supplements for a far superior outcome in his patients.

Dr. Ray D. Strand's Oxidative Stress Research

oxidative stress research
Dr. Strand explains that in the 1980s, we believed that not all cholesterol was bad. HDL (High-Density Lipoproteins) are actually good; the higher, the better. LDL (Low-Density Lipoproteins) are bad. They can build up along artery walls, forming plaque and narrowing or blocking the artery.

This is why when your doctor orders a blood test, it looks at not only the total cholesterol level but also the ratio of good cholesterol.

This is common knowledge. Ready for the bit not many are aware of? LDL is not “bad”. In fact, it is integral in many important processes, such as making cell membranes and producing different hormones.

Problems only seemed to happen when free radicals (oxidative stress) occurred to LDL native to the body and damaged, changed, and modified it to a bad LDL cholesterol.

Research then showed that with enough antioxidants to quell oxidation, this damage to LDL is also quelled. This was such breakthrough research that Dr. Daniel Steinberg published it in the New England Journal of Medicine in 1989.

Importance Of antioxidants

Over the years, many studies have supported the idea of oxidation causing LDL to become “bad,” not that it was actually bad on its own.

Antioxidants, in abundance, are how we fight this! In 1997, Dr. Marco Diaz, a researcher, made an impressive review of all the studies that appeared in medical journals up until then. The review concluded that people with the highest levels of antioxidants in their bodies had the least amount of coronary artery disease.

The ray of sunshine in all of this is that antioxidants and their supporting nutrients can eliminate or at least significantly reduce a significant amount of the causes of inflammation in the arteries.

Best Antioxidant Supplements

Here is our guide to the top 5 Antioxidants we recommend for those with heart disease. We will discuss the key ones and the role each plays in slowing down or preventing inflammatory reactions.

We recommend these supplements and brands in particular, as it is important to ingest nutrients optimally. This means choosing the best absorption, gentlest formulations, correct dose, and concentration.

importance of antioxidants
Vitamin E
  • Vitamin E is the most important antioxidant when it comes to hindering the process of hardening the arteries.
  • Vitamin E is fat-soluble, making it the most potent and important defense within the cell wall.
  • Vitamin E incorporates itself within the LDL cholesterol.

The higher the concentration of Vitamin E in the cell membrane of the native LDL cholesterol, the more resistant it is to being oxidised.

Remember that the LDL is mostly oxidised (causing inflammation) in the subendothelial space, not in the blood or plasma. When it migrates there, you need a high quantity of fat-soluble antioxidants to help prevent the modification/oxidisation of LDL – this is the best defence.

Our favorite Vitamin E supplement is THORNE Ultimate-E. This offers the Alpha form which is best for consumption, and the recommended dosage is up to 1000mg daily.

CAUTION – Vitamin E can interact with some blood thinners such as Warfarin increasing the risk of bleeding. It may also interfere with the effects of chemotherapy and radiotherapy. Speak to your doctor or pharmacist first if considering taking Vitamin E while on these.

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Ultimate-E 60gelcaps
Vitamin C
  • According to studies, Vitamin C is the best antioxidant within the plasma or fluid as it is water-soluble.
  • Supplementing with Vitamin C preserves and protects the endothelium function, hence preventing endothelial dysfunction – a major driver behind inflammatory processes.
  • Vitamin C helps prevent LDL oxidation.
  • Vitamin C helps regenerate Vitamin E (and glutathione, another potent antioxidant), so they can be used repeatedly.
Our favorite Vitamin C for a long time has been LYPOSPHERIC Vitamin C by Livon Labs due to its superior absorption.

 We also recognize we have patients who dislike this form due to its distinct taste. For those, we say checkout METAGENICS Vitamin C & Zinc Powder HERE.

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Lypo Spheric Vitamin C 1000mg 30Sachets
  • One of the most potent intracellular antioxidants, present within all cells naturally.
  • Studies show that patients with coronary artery disease have lower levels of glutathione.
  • Glutathione is a key antioxidant as it is contained in all the cells that surround the epithelial space.

To make healthy levels of Glutathione you need:
   o    Selenium
   o    B2
   o    Niacin
   o    NAC

These improve the overall antioxidant defense mechanism.

For the best Glutathione supplements on the market check out either LYPOSPHERIC GLUTATHIONE by Livon Labs for superior absorption and quick action.

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Lypo-Spheric Glutathione 30Sachets

  • Bioflavonoids are the famous colour-giving ingredient of fruits and vegetables. Thousands exist.
  • The rule of thumb is the more colourful the fruits and vegetables in your diet, the greater the variety of bioflavonoids you get.
  • These super antioxidants have specific anti-inflammatory effects.
  • Red wine and grape juice contain polyphenols - another antioxidant that reduces the oxidisation of LDL cholesterol.

Grape seed extract is understood to be the best bioflavonoid for preventing chronic inflammatory disease. Check out THORNE Grape Seed Oil for a high dose superior grapeseed oil supplement. We also recommend keeping a well-balanced diet for the best capturing of multiple bioflavonoids and beta-carotene, a precursor of Vitamin A that helps support our antioxidant support mechanisms.

Why Don't Doctors and Pharmacists Recommend Antioxidants?

To conclude Part I of our series, I would like to answer a common question that may be in the back of your mind: If antioxidants are so good for me, a powerful preventative tool, why isn't my doctor or pharmacist recommending these?

Dr. Strand explains that doctors often treat nutrients or supplements like drugs, meaning they test the body's response to just one nutrient at a time to learn its potential benefits.

This approach ignores the synergistic benefits that supplements have. Antioxidants work best together! As oxidative stress occurs, the body needs multiple antioxidants to combat the damage, and at the same time, the antioxidants need all the supporting nutrients to do their job well.

If you’re interested in finding some powerful antioxidants from Matakana Pharmacy, we offer a range of practitioner-only products, including Metagenics, Pure Encapsulation supplements, and other trusted brands.

Disclaimer: Please note that Mina our resident specialist pharmacist and natural practitioner  is not an MD, and does not give medical recommendations. He stresses the importance of talking to your doctor & pharmacist before making changes to your supplements.

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