
Digestive & Gut Health


Showing 243 of 262 products

Sodium Butyrate 100caps
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SKU: 71252

AVAILABILITY: In stock (-23 items)

PRODUCT TYPE: Practitioner Only Products

VENDOR: Bodybio

Butyrate is an essential end product of a healthy microbiome. Primarily, it fuels your gut cells, strengthening the gut lining and healing leaky gut.* BodyBio Butyrate is available in two unique formulations: Calcium/Magnesium Butyrate and Sodium Butyrate.   Ingredients Calcium/Magnesium...

MotilPro 180caps
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SKU: 94092

AVAILABILITY: In stock (-19 items)

PRODUCT TYPE: Practitioner Only Products

VENDOR: Pure Encapsulations

MotilPro 180's SKU  MOP1 Advanced gut signaling support formula, supporting serotonergic and cholinergic function for healthy gut motility‡ DOWNLOAD PRODUCT INFORMATION Supports gastrointestinal motility‡ Stimulates gut-signaling neurons‡ Supports upper G.I. comfort‡ Part of the PureGI™ product line Made with high-quality vegan...

Good Gut Collagen Protein Chocolate Powder Refill 560g
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SKU: 29194

AVAILABILITY: In stock (-20 items)

PRODUCT TYPE: Natural Health


The ultimate gut loving protein, collagen and probiotic blend with full BCAA’s and over 27g protein per serve. A protein and collagen blend, scientifically crafted to provide your body and gut with all the goodness it needs to look good and...

PureGG 25B 60caps
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SKU: 49461

AVAILABILITY: In stock (-2 items)

PRODUCT TYPE: Practitioner Only Products

VENDOR: Pure Encapsulations

PureGG 25B SKU  PGG6 / PGG3 Shelf-stable; highly researched probiotic to support immune, G.I., and overall health‡ DOWNLOAD PRODUCT INFORMATION Highly researched Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG to support immune, G.I., and overall health across all ages‡ Human origin strain, selected for its resistance...

Image of Metagenics Premium Probiotic Ultra Flora SB Dysbiosis bottle of 60 capsules
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SKU: 54833

AVAILABILITY: In stock (-20 items)

PRODUCT TYPE: Practitioner Only Products

VENDOR: Metagenics

Probiotic for Dysbiosis Control. The main signs and symptoms of dysbiosis are digestive disturbances. People with the condition may experience frequent gas or bloating. This means that they feel bloated on most days of the week. Also, they suffer from abdominal...

MegaPre Dairy-Free 180caps
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SKU: 92399

AVAILABILITY: In stock (-20 items)

PRODUCT TYPE: Practitioner Only Products

VENDOR: Microbiome Labs

This dairy-free MegaPre™ option is the same Precision Prebiotic™ supplement you know and love. Made up of clinically tested, non-digestible oligosaccharides that can increase microbial diversity and selectively feed beneficial bacteria like Akkermansia muciniphila, Faecalibacterium prausnitzii, and Bifidobacteria. MegaPre™ REINFORCES...

Candicidal 60caps
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SKU: 72180

AVAILABILITY: In stock (-19 items)

PRODUCT TYPE: Practitioner Only Products


Candicidal™ 60 Capsules Natural Support for GI Balance* Candicidal™ offers a complementary blend of herbs, essential oils, and sodium caprylate, a naturally occurring fatty acid. Candicidal is formulated to support the body’s immune system as well as a healthy gastrointestinal (GI)...

Advanced Digestive Enzymes (formerly Bio-Gest) 180caps
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SKU: 92286

AVAILABILITY: In stock (-2 items)

PRODUCT TYPE: Specialist supplements

VENDOR: Thorne

Advanced Digestive Enzymes - 180 count (formerly Bio-Gest) A digestive enzyme blend that supports individuals who have indigestion, bloating, or had gallbladder removal.* Advanced Digestive Enzymes promotes the digestion and absorption of proteins, fats, and carbs with the combination of...

Gastro Aid 60s
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SKU: 69338

AVAILABILITY: In stock (-3 items)

PRODUCT TYPE: Practitioner Only Products

VENDOR: Metagenics

Disclaimer: Metagenics is a Practitioner-Only Product that must be prescribed by one of our qualified Natural Health Practitioners. To be eligible to purchase this product you must complete a Consultation Form first. Once you complete the form and the transaction a...

Imge of Megasporebiotic for kids gummies 30 pack
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SKU: 74835

AVAILABILITY: In stock (-11 items)

PRODUCT TYPE: Specialist supplements

VENDOR: Microbiome Labs

MegaSporeBiotic™ Gummies are a 100% spore-based proprietary probiotic blend that supports a healthy gut microbiome by promoting microbial diversity, maintaining a healthy gut barrier, and supporting the immune system’s protective responses. MegaSporeBiotic™ for Kids gummies are a 100% spore-based proprietary probiotic blend...

Gut InflamX 60s
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SKU: 89521

AVAILABILITY: In stock (-16 items)

PRODUCT TYPE: Practitioner Only Products

VENDOR: Metagenics

Disclaimer: Metagenics is a Practitioner-Only Product that must be prescribed by one of our qualified Natural Health Practitioners or Pharmacists. To be eligible to purchase this product you must complete a Consultation Form first. Once you complete the form and the...

Image of Histamine Digest 120caps
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SKU: 73702

AVAILABILITY: In stock (-17 items)

PRODUCT TYPE: Practitioner Only Products


OmneDiem Histamine Digest supplies Diamine Oxidase (DAO), the enzyme that neutralizes histamine in the digestive tract.* Taking OmneDiem Histamine Digest prior to consuming high histamine foods and beverages helps defend against digestive histamine sensitivity and the occurrence of accompanying reactions.*

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