One of the top herbs in the Taoist system, schisandra is known for its ability to harmonise the flow of Qi through the five systems of the human body. It is especially revered for its effects on the Kidney and Liver systems. This nourishing highly adaptive herb helps balance the nervous system, improves brain function, elevates immunity, and through its effects on the overall harmony of the body, assists those who consume it in remaining youthful, both in appearance and physiology.
In folk herbalism, it is said that if taken for 100 days consecutively, schisandra purifies the Blood, brings sharpness to the mind, optimises memory, rejuvenates and astringes Kidney Essence (Jing), and supports reproductive function in both men and women. Schisandra also supports the Lung Qi, and may assist in harmonising Lung dysfunction.
In China, schisandra is known as wu wei zi, a name which translates to “five taste fruit,” named after the incredible flavour profile of the berry that has all five tastes: salty, sweet, sour, bitter, and pungent. Each taste/flavour corresponds to a major system within the body, and thus why schisandra is known for its capacity to influence/enter all five major systems of the body: the Liver, Lungs, Kidneys, Heart, and Spleen. This is why it is considered one of the ultimate herbs in Taoism; schisandra is able to regulate the entire system, and thus protect all Three Treasures of the body (Jing, Qi and Shen).
Also known as a ‘beauty berry’ of the Orient, schisandra was used by ancient Chinese royalty to preserve youthfulness, enhance physical radiance, boost desire, and as a potent reproductive tonic. Schisandra has an excellent capacity to regenerative Water Qi in the Kidneys, thus building primary essence and rejuvenating sexual fluids. For our intention to age with grace, with a twinkle in the eye and our unique beauty radiating from within, we can't think of a herb that has our backs more than schisandra does.
Traditionally used in Chinese medicine to:
- Support healthy stress response in the body
- Relieve weariness/tiredness/fatigue/feeling of weakness
- Enrich/nourish/tonify/fortify/strengthen kidneys
Our carefully dual-extracted schisandra is sourced Dì Dào (地道) from China's Changbai Mountains.
Caution use in those with an active peptic ulcer. Caution use in pregnancy - schisandra may cause uterine contractions and is useful postpartum to assist healing.
Keep out of reach of children.
Packed in Australia from imported ingredients.
Talk to a TCM practitioner/health professional if you are unsure if this medicine is right for you.
Schisandra chinensis (Schisandra berry*) Equivalent to dry fruit 2g |
200mg / 250ml |
10:1 extract powder
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